Saturday, August 31, 2019
Symbolism in English Literature
Archetypal figures present in Chaucer’s â€Å"The Miller’s Tale†By Jose Luis Guerrero Cervantes According to Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, an archetype is a symbolic formula that begins to work wherever there are no conscious ideas present. They are innate universal psychic dispositions that form the substrate from which the basic themes of human life emerge[1]. The archetype is experienced in projections, powerful affect images, symbols, moods, and behavior patterns such as rituals, ceremonials and love. Jung[2] compared the archetype, the pre-formed tendency to create images, to a dry river bed. Rain gives form and direction to the flow, we name the river, but it is never a thing located in any place, it is a form but never the same, it is always changing but it is still a river. Following this analogy, the archetype would be the dry river bed that motivates and modifies our conscious understanding of ourselves and the world (the water of the river) from which emotions, attitudes and ideas arise. It is possible to track the use of archetypes in universal literature, according to Joseph Campbell[3], from the origins of human civilization. Archetypes help Chaucer to his main purpose when writing The Canterbury Tales: to reflect on the personal concerns and solutions of the evolving medieval society of his time. Characters with strong archetypal features has an automatically and unconsciously effect in the reader’s mind, allowing his mind to recognize experiences, emotions, and typical patterns of behavior, establishing a â€Å"dialog†or â€Å"unconscious link†between the reader and the text. The purpose of the present essay will be to identify such archetypal characters and situations and their impact in the reader’s psyche. [4] It is possible to recognize in Nicholas’ behavior elements that match with the archetype of the â€Å"Trickster†. In mythology, and in the study of folklore and religion, a trickster is a god, goddess, spirit, man, woman, or anthropomorphic animal that plays tricks or, otherwise, disobeys normal rules and conventional behavior[5]. In modern literature, the classical figure of the trickster survives as a character not necessarily supernatural or divine, but as a clever, mischievous man or creature, who tries to survive the dangers and challenges of the world using trickery and deceit as defense. For example, many typical fairy tales present kings who want to find the best man for his daughter by setting a trial to obtain the hand of his daughter. Brave knights are not able to overcome the trial until a poor and simple peasant comes. Armed only with his wits and cleverness, instead of fighting, he evades or fools the obstacles between him and the desired object. This way, the most unlikely candidate passes the trials and receives the reward. One example of this character in English Literature is Shakespeare’s Bassanio in The Merchant of Venice who, in order to marry Portia, must pass a trial set by Portia’s father. In this case, Nicholas is described similarly to this archetype: This lad was known as Nicholas the Gallant, And making love in secret was his talent, For he was very close and sly, and took Advantage of his meek and girlish look[6]. Nicholas is characterized as somebody whose main attributes are not physical strength or economic power, but cleverness in managing the weak points of people for his own benefit (expressed in the words â€Å"talent†, â€Å"sly†, â€Å"took advantage†) hidden under a humble figure (expressed in the word â€Å"meek†). Here it is possible to identify the breaking of conventional behavior that it is proper of the classical tradition when it is said that Nicholas makes love â€Å"in secret†. In addition, in order to gain Alison, he must figure out a trick, otherwise, both might die if caught together. Alison’s behavior, on the other hand, shows characteristics that matches with the â€Å"Anima†archetype developed at the level of â€Å"Eve†. The Anima and Animus, in Carl Jung's school of analytical psychology, are the unconscious or true inner self of an individual, as opposed to the outer aspect of personality. In the unconscious part of men’s mind, it finds expression in a feminine inner personality. Anima, in contrast, is in the unconscious of women and it is expressed as a masculine inner personality. It can be identified as the totality of the unconscious feminine psychological qualities that a male possesses; or the masculine ones possessed by the female. The positive anima qualities of a man are tenderness, patience, consideration, kindness and compassion; then the negative anima qualities of a man are vanity, moodiness, bitchiness, and easily hurt feelings[7]. Jung believed anima development has four distinct levels, which he named Eve, Helen, Mary, and Sophia. Eve level is named for the Genesis account of Adam and Eve. It deals with the emergence of a male's object of desire, yet simultaneously generalizes all females as evil and powerless. This means that when an object of desires arises, the archetype shows an opposite behavior from that she had shown previously[8]. In the preliminary description of Alison, Chaucer describes Alison (with ecstasy and accuracy) this way: She was a fair young wife, her body as slender As any weasel’s, and as soft and tender; She used to wear a girdle of striped silk; Her apron was as white as morning milk Over her loins, all gusseted and pleated. White was her smock; embroidery repeated Its pattern on the collar, front and back, Inside and out; it was of silk, and black. The tapes and ribbons of her milky mutch Were made to march her collar to a touch; She wore a broad silk fillet, rather high, And certainly she had a lecherous eye. And she had plucked her eyebrows into bows, Slenderly arched they were, and black as sloes; And a more truly blissful sight to see She as than blossom on a cherry-tree, [†¦] Her mouth was sweet as mead or honey –say A hoard of apples lying in the hay. Skittish she was, and jolly as a colt, Tall as a mast and upright as a bolt Out of bow. [†¦] She was a daisy, O a lollypop For any nobleman to take to bed Or some good man of yeoman stock to wed. [9] Everything in her is lovely. Chaucer centers his attention on the physical description and little is said about her character. However, the adjectives â€Å"skittish†, â€Å"jolly†, â€Å"tall†and â€Å"upright†describe her as someone irreproachable in any sense. After she falls in love with Alison, all the marvelous image of Alison disappears when she decides to play a cruel joke to Absalon: Absalon started wiping his mounth dry. Dark was the night as pitch, as black as coal, And at the window out she put her hole, And Absalon, so fortune framed the farce, Put up his mouth and kissed her naked arse Most savorously before he knew of this. [10] As it can be observed, Alison’s attitude changes dramatically after meeting Nicholas (the object of desire). This desire unleashes those feelings that are the negative counterpart of the male â€Å"Animus†. â€Å"Eve†development of â€Å"Anima†helps to generalize all women as evil, and Alison attitude towards Absalon reinforces this belief. John represents the archetypal of â€Å"The Child†in the developed degree of â€Å"The abandoned†. In Jungian psychology, it refers to an instinctual pattern of thought or symbolic imagery derived from the past collective experience (Jung referred to this as â€Å"the collective unconscious†), and present in the individual unconscious. We were all children at one time and we can remember the freedom of being a child, the unconditional love we received from our parents, the spontaneous laughter, how we innocently accepted things as they were and let our imaginations run wild. All those experiences left a mark in the unconscious and arise under certain conditions. In this case, the condition is the fear of losing Alison what makes this feeling to arise[11]. The Abandoned (Orphaned) Child archetype can easily be seen in characters like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz or Oliver in Oliver Twist. The fear of losing a caretaker and the feeling of vulnerability makes the character to proceed in a blind, precipitously way. Jealous he was and kept her in the cage, For he was old and she was wild and young; He thought himself quite likely to be stung. It is possible to notice here that John’s fear for losing Alison makes him to keep her out of the sight of the rest, â€Å"in the cage†. Nicholas takes advantage of this fear and uses it to deceive him in a childish way. ‘This world’ he said, ‘in just about and hour, Shall all be drowned, it’s such a hideous shower, And all mankind, with total loss of life’. The carpenter exclaimed, ‘Alas, my wife! My little Alison! Is she to drown? ’ And in his grief he very near fell down. As it was explained before, innocence is a mark of our childhood, and here innocence is incarnated by John. Absalon represents the archetype of the â€Å"Shadow†. In Jungian psychology, the shadow or â€Å"shadow aspect†is a part of the unconscious mind consisting of repressed weaknesses, shortcomings, and instincts. It is a link to the most primitive animal instincts, which are superseded during early childhood by the conscious mind. According to Jung, the shadow, in being instinctive and irrational, is prone to project: turning a personal inferiority into a perceived moral deficiency in someone else. It is the link to the most primitive animal instincts that are superseded during early childhood by the conscious mind, like the survival instinct. Absalon plans his vengeance for the cruel joke played on him and reacts in a even more violent way than his aggressors: Said Absalon, all set to make a launch, ‘Speak, pretty bird, I know not where thou art! ’ This Nicholas at once let fly a fart As loud as if it were a thunder-clap. He was near blinded by the blast, poor chap, But his iron was ready; with a thump He mote him in the middle of the rump. This way, Absalon fulfills his vengeance by recalling his most instinctive, irrational feelings. In the situations present in the tale it is also possible to identify two archetypal situations: â€Å"The Task†and â€Å"The love Triangle†. â€Å"The Task†is that situation in which a character is required to perform a task that will restore balance. It is commonly found n literature in the situations like to save a kingdom, to win the fair lady, the identification of the hero so he may reassume his rightful position, etc[12]. Examples of this archetypal situation in English literature are when Arthur pulls Excalibur from the stone or when Beowulf slays Grendel. In this case, the task set for Nicholas is to consume his union with Alison using his cleverness to deceive his husband who has her â€Å"in a cage†. The reader is not told about the plan, so the reader and the fooled characters go hand-in-hand in the discovery and the development of the plan, holding the attention of the reader. The â€Å"love triangle†works in a similar way than â€Å"The task†, however the task appeals to the â€Å"logos†of the reader, while the â€Å"love triangle†appeals to the â€Å"ethos†. In addition, â€Å"the love triangle†works as the counterpart of the â€Å"Requited Love†, which is used to enhance the nobler feelings of human nature: sacrifice, loyalty, friendship, fidelity, etc. The â€Å"love triangle†enhances rivalry, fight, deceit, infidelity, etc[13]. It is possible to observe how the love triangle made Nicholas to figure out an ingenious trick to have sex with the John’s wife (infidelity), the showing of the darkest side of pure Alison, the wrath of easygoing Absalon, and the showing of the dumbest side of John. It is possible to conclude, after all this analysis that â€Å"The Miller’s Tale†, as the whole Canterbury Tales, explores the nature of human being life and behavior of the people of his time, making the reader to do an introspective view of his own life. The characters of â€Å"The Miller’s tale†are very likely to common people, functioning as a mirror in which society can see itself. The empathy that Chaucer is able to establish between the characters, their situations and the readers is possible because he appeals to those universal characteristics that human beings seem to share beyond race, distance, culture and time. These pre-figured behavior, or archetype, causes an unconscious reaction on the reader, putting them in the same, Jung would say, â€Å"psychogenetic frequency†. Therefore, it possible to explain why the Canterbury Tales is a universal piece of work: because it will never lose validity. It appeals to values and characteristics that do not seem to change in time, since it is possible to identify them in the universal literature of all times. BIBLIOGRAPHY Brunel, Pierre. Companion to Literary Myths, Heroes and Archetypes. New York. Routledge. 1992. Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales. Translated by Nevill Coghill. Penguin. London. Penguin. 2003. Franz, Marie-Louise von. Archetypal Patterns in Fairy Tales. Toronto. Inner City. 1997. Herz, Sarah K. , and Donald R. Gallo. From Hinton to Hamlet: Building Bridges Between Young Adult Literature and the Classics. 2nd ed. Westport. Greenwood. 2005. Holman, C. Hugh, and William Harmon. A Handbook to Literature. 6th ed. New York. Macmillan. 1992. Johnson, Terry D. , and Daphne R. Louis. Bringing It All Together. Portsmouth. Heinemann. 1997. Joseph Campbell. The hero with a thousand faces. California. New World Library. 2003. Jung, C. G. The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. Princeton. Bollingen. 1981. Jung, C. G. â€Å"Phenomenology of the Self†in The Portable Jung. New York. Penguin. 1976. Stevens, Anthony. â€Å"The archetypes†in The Handbook of Jungian Psychology. Renos. Papadopoulos. 2006. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [1] Anthony Stevens. â€Å"The archetypes†in The Handbook of Jungian Psychology. Renos. Papadopoulos. 2006. p. 20. [2] C. G. Jung, The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. , Princeton. Bollingen. 1981. p. 9. [3] Joseph Campbell. The hero with a thousand faces. California. New World Library. 2003. p. 23. [4] C. G. Jung. â€Å"Phenomenology of the Self†in The Portable Jung. New York. Penguin. 1976. p. 147 [5] C. G. Jung. Op. cit. p. 18 [6]Geoffrey Chaucer. The Canterbury Tales. Translated by Nevill Coghill. Penguin. London: Penguin. 2003. p. 89. [7] C. G. Jung. Op. cit. 19. [8]. Idem. p. 20. [9] Geoffrey Chaucer. Op. cit. 90. [10] Ibid. p. 103. [11] C. G. Jung. Op. cit. p. 29. [12] Marie-Louise von Franz. Archetypal Patterns in Fairy Tales. Toronto: Inner City, 1997. p. 107. [13] Ibid. p. 89.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Development of Curleys wife throughout the novel Essay
In the novel Steinbeck’s uses social class, to separate the characters from one another especially Curley’s wife from crooks â€Å"you keep your place then nigger†, indicates to us that the social structure was different in America around 1937, a white women was above a black man. The writer showed this and showed peoples attitude of time. In addition it also gives us an insight on how it will feel like to be black. Furthermore Steinbeck’s also describes Curley’s wife in a desperate and worried way â€Å"married two weeks†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦?†this is shown by the writer creating a tone to the quote, ending the quote with a question mark could mean that the other characters are confused to whether it would last or not, in addition it could also signify that they are doubting their relationship. Steinbeck’s use of language starts to develop more, when he goes on to describe Curley’s wife on page 53. The writer describes her in a sexual dangerous way; we know this by the writer repeating the word â€Å"red†. This indicates to us that danger awaits her; additionally it could also mean that she is seen as a â€Å"sex image†, by the other men on the ranch. This is shown by the writer using the term â€Å"fascinated†, which describes how the other men felt when they saw her. Furthermore, her body languages links to how she’s speaks, â€Å"her voice had a nasal, brittle quality†this indicates to us that she had a fragile slow voice that hypnotized men which made her sound innocent â€Å"Lennie watched her†. This quote enhances that men couldn’t keep their eyes off her, the writer makes Curley’s wife out to be a advert, says things slowly in a tempting way, portraying her as an object. In addition the writer describes Curley’s wife as a desperate insecure women that feels the need to seek attention from other men, â€Å"her body was thrown forward†, specifies to us that she is pushing herself to the situation. In the novel, Steinbeck makes the role of women in the book all to do with sex, some providing sex for the men, portraying them as sexual objects. However, some female characters are seen as either mother figures. This is in contrast to Curley’s wife which is seen as a women who keeps degrading herself â€Å"Curley’s married a tart†this enhances to us that the men on the ranch have no respect for her, this is shown by referring to her as a â€Å"tart†which could also include how the way she dresses in a sexual seductive way to cover up her insecurities. However Curley’s wife may want to dress up because it makes her feel good about herself and she does have the time since her husband is quite wealthy. Moreover, in the novel Of Mice and Men, the writer John Steinbeck makes it out to be women are inferior to men, this is shown by making Curley’s wife the only women on the ranch. Furthermore, the writer also describes Curley’s wife in a detailed sympathy way and this makes the writer feel sorry for her â€Å"you better go home now†, indicates to us that Curley’s wife is in a place that she is not meant to be, it also shows how isolated she is, this is shown by using the term â€Å"quietly†which shows to us that she is being sneaky about the situation, furthermore it also shows us that she isn’t allowed to communicate with other men which gives us an insight about her, that she doesn’t have any friends on the ranch, she has to do it discretely, this shows that Curley doesn’t trust her and she feels protected in the hands of the other men on the ranch, this creates a sense of security. Furthermore, the writer John Steinbeck’s in a way describes Curley’s wife as a dog, metaphorically speaking â€Å"bitch please†, which shows to us that she is described as female dog, rather than a human being which implies to us that she is not an important person, which links with Candy’s dog, which both have something in common, they both died. In addition when they are described or mentioned in the book John Steinbeck’s makes it sound like they are the subject or object in the sentence. It also shows the insignificant in both characters.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Finding the audience ( media audience) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Finding the audience ( media audience) - Essay Example While newspapers and radio have suffered though little, they have made their user groups intact due to their low cost and local news coverage network. Television media has undergone various changes after the advent of satellite technology. The fragmentation of audiences that has already occurred means that Public Service Broadcasting TV channels can no longer command large audiences unless there is some national event that interests everyone and the huge audiences of the past, for example, for the Christmas Morecambe and Wise Shows or the final series of Only Fools and Horses, will be impossible in the future and only on the great state occasions of national interest, where coverage is exclusive or shared by one or two channels, will large audiences be achievable (Media Watch U.K.). The active users of video recorders in the cities and the internet live coverage of many of the social programs in the recent times have made the television industry under pressure. Hence The audience generation to television programs during the last decade has become a very difficult task. In these prevailing conditions, the success of Channel 5, the recent analogue of terrestrial channel, reaching nearly 80% of the population in Britain, have made to understand the common man and the business marketing community, that what works in the entertainment market, when promotional strategies and the branding specifics are properly selected, continuously changed and improved. The history of television media started in U.K. since the launching of British Broadcasting Corporation in 1922 and passed through the second television network, Independent Television Network (ITV), which started in 1955. While BBC has maintained through the license fees and ITV generated funding through marketing. The
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Corporate Culture and Performance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Corporate Culture and Performance - Assignment Example The present paper has identified that values also control how the different stakeholders of a company interact with each other and how they think and feel about the problems of each other as well as of the entire organization. Culture is variable and can change as per the wishes of its managers or key members. The organization in which I have previously worked is â€Å"ACME†its organizational structure is based on the vertical functional approach. Hence proving that people in departments are grouped according to their skills, expertise and resource use. This is the most basic form of organizational structure which works for the company and helps them achieve greater efficiency through economies of scale. â€Å"ACME†has a tall structure and comparatively a narrow span of control which means that the overall management has been spread along the same level. It has five major departments. 1. Human capital 2. Production 3. Industrial relations 4. Sales and marketing 5. Fin ance and accounting Human capital department are basically responsible for hiring capable workers who match the kind of work profile required. It also deals with providing the employees the benefits, perks, and privileges so that they remain satisfied with the company and remain loyal to it. it also makes an effort to train employees so that they fit the criteria of the newly developing procedures in the company. The human capital department also puts forward the amount of pay and financial resources to be spent on training and so on to the finance department which is then approved by them. The production department is responsible for the overall production of the product. Because ACME is a multinational company, the production facilities are distributed amongst various countries so as to cut the costs. Bottles are usually manufactured in Singapore and delivered across the globe. There are a total of 8 plants in different parts of the country. They are located comparatively close to the major markets like and the central hubs so as to reduce the transportation costs. The industrial relations department is responsible for handling the problems related to the employees. As such problems in the country can have a major impact on the overall production of the company. This includes the problems to deal with labor unions, strikes, and wage issues. Basically, it deals with the problems related to industry so that the production process runs smoothly and more efficiently. The sales and marketing department deals with making the product available in the market and letting people know about it through advertising. It also deals with promotional deals, price cut offers and analyzing the competition from the competitors in the market and responding accordingly. The department also is responsible for making the product or ads culturally sensitive so as to fit in the environment of the country. For example, reducing the price during the festivities season so that its avail able to more people and hence increase sales. The finance and accounting department deals with actual pricing of the product and also on the working out of the cost of production.Â
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
General Electric Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
General Electric - Essay Example Understanding Groups Group is a collection of 2 or more individuals, who interact regularly, exert mutual influence and work in collusion with each other to achieve a common goal (Griffin & Moorehead, 2008). Purpose of a group forms its background and the process through which this is achieved makes it operational. Team is structured, requires coordinated interaction to reach the set goal and all the members stand responsible for its activities. A congregation of individuals qualifies to be called a group based on Kurt Lewin’s parameters, which specify that the members should interact, are interdependent, influence each other, the members feel belongingness, have a structure, work towards a common goal and are recognised as a group by others. Task and relationship-based interactions develop in groups, through which people connect and affect each other. Group Development Bruce Tuckman suggested 4 stages of group development, which consist of forming, storming, norming and perfo rming. Adjourning has been appended later (Griffin & Moorehead, 2008). a. Forming During this phase, individuals mingle with each other and communicate, in an attempt to arrive at their purpose of association. They assess their respective comfort zones. Leaders play a vital role in facilitating this understanding and walking them towards the next stage (Griffin & Moorehead, 2008). In this phase, as we have come from different departments and educational backgrounds, we questioned each other on the relevant details. We have also discussed the past work experience and project records of each of the members. This has helped us in gaining an understanding on the capabilities of every individual of the teams. As a leader, I saw that the team discussions at this phase are directed towards exploring each other, being polite, keeping the communication alive and coordinating them. These conversations created an idea on what would be the ideal roles for each of them within the team and we dec ided on them towards the end of the formation meeting. b. Storming Here, the members share their views, assemble with others sharing similar thoughts and socialise. Leader persuades them to open up and streamlines their ideas, differences etc towards the group goals (Griffin & Moorehead, 2008). This phase has been the challenging one, as the group members started to interact, the differences started to surface. The resource sharing and competition led to substantial friction. However, as a trained and experienced leader, I created the clarity on the jobs and responsibilities; the scope of every person in the team is highlighted. Thus, the importance of every member and his role is clearly understood even by the others and thus, the decision making powers and necessity of the resources to each of them is discussed. Further, the common goals of the team and the focus on productivity of the team, which is only possible through the concerted efforts of all the teammates is stressed. I h ad to support the views of some of the members of the team during such communication, which has planted a doubt in them that I am favoring those members, which was cleared in the due course as the actual work proved my support right. As the team members appreciate the roles and responsibili
Monday, August 26, 2019
Case analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Case analysis - Essay Example At the time when HAG was issuing the bond, it had already diversified its business into mining coal. In terms of geography, most of HAG’s businesses were located in Vietnam. HAG, a renowned real estate company in Vietnam, was going to issue approximately ninety million US dollars of the nine point eight-five notes, which were the debt instruments, in Singapore in the year 2011. After deductions of all the estimated expenses that were payable, the company estimation of the net proceeds from this offering to be around eighty point seven million US dollars. From this perspective, the issue of notes led to several questions arising including the overall cost of the debt. In addition, the reasons HAG chose to raise money in a foreign country, Singapore, and not in its country, Vietnam. All these were to give answers to the costs at which HAG was borrowing the note issue in Singapore, the level at which it was borrowing and whether there was a likelihood of HAG being downgraded from its current rating position of B (Richard Ivey School of Business, 2013). Since it is difficult to obtain real figures on the bank loans proportions to the sector of construction and the real estate business in Vietnam, the government should issue strong regulations. These should be made to preventing the country from deepening further into inflation. High inflation rates in the country will force companies to issue notes in foreign countries. The regulation through limitation of the growth of Credit is important more so in the real estate business to help in putting inflation into check. The growth of credit can be controlled through the reduction of the amount as well as the pace of loan issuance to the sectors that are non-productive. Among the significant risk factors that affect the issuance of notes is the company’s cash flow volatility in Vietnam. In addition, the overall outlook of the
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Home Depot CEO Robert Nardelli Severance Pay Case Study
Home Depot CEO Robert Nardelli Severance Pay - Case Study Example On a closer look many factors are behind Robert Nardelli's huge severance package that cannot be traced to Nardelli alone; but there are measures that could be used to done to reign over-the-top CEO compensations such as Nardelli's. According to Alan Sloan, business analyst of Washington Post (Sloan, p. D01), Nardelli is not receiving a severance pay more than he was actually entitled to under the employment contract he signed in 2000 with the board of Home Depot. Ken Langone, one of the founders of Home Depot, continued Sloan was in fact was one of those of people who was involved in negotiating for Nardelli, one of the two GE executives who was one-time candidate to replace famous Jack Welch when he left GE. In the same article, Paul Hodgson, a senior research associate at the Corporate Library which investigates corporate governance said that the trouble started in 2000, and that everything was in Nardelli's contract. ... One of the issues raised by Nardelli's case was how shareholders who are the owners-at-large of a company could be relegated to the sidelines in deciding executive pay packages. This was borne out when Nardelli with an absent board presided alone over the annual stockholders held on May 28, 2006 in which he was criticized for cutting off stockholders' questions over his compensation (NPR, January 6, 2007; Grow par. 8-9). On December 2006, Relational Investors rebuked Home Depot's management and called on a review of the firm's direction and even a possibility of a sale. What came to pass with Nardelli's resignation a month later, with him leaving with a fat severance package even highlighted the need for more power granted to shareholders in deciding what and how much to pay company CEOs. In a report by, a proposal filed by one of Home Depot's investors and endorsed by long-time shareholders Laborers' International Union of America (LIUNA) would require the board to get shareholder approval for what was termed as "extraordinary retirement benefits". In other companies such as Sprint, GE, Qwest, Delta and Verizon, investors have filed similar proposals to scale down severance packages according Hodgson in an interview with Home Depot CEO Robert Nardelli Severance Pay Another reason for reducing huge pay packages of huge CEOs is in the interest of wealth equality. National Public Radio reported in an article by Uri Berliner that one of the reasons that the very rich or the top-earning one percent continue to increase their share of the country's wealth (from 8 percent to 16 percent in 2004) was that affluent people own more in stocks. CEOs like
Summary the al chemist book Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Summary the al chemist book - Essay Example While he has to understand the importance of realizing his dreams, Santiago needs control over his fear of failure and defeat, which he may face, as he continues his quest for fortune. The characters of the story include, apart from Santiago, the gypsy woman, the old king, the crystal merchant and the English man. The story tells the alchemist being a 200 year old man, who lives at the Al-Fayoum oasis, this man has an intuition of Santiago coming to him and thus Alchemist feels his responsibility to lead and guide him in his pursuits. All these characters play an important role in his quest. As Santiago dreams about a child leading him to the pyramids of Egypt, the gypsy woman motivates him for going there, while Santiago meets the old king, who teaches him about the omens. As he buys a ticket for going to Tangier, Santiago is robbed of all his money, after he arrives there. Accordingly, Santiago has to work for the crystal merchant for almost one year, to collect money for returning home. (The Alchemist) Like all those who want to realize their dreams, Santiago needs doing something different and in this direction, he must trust completely the Alchemist, although the man may look mysterious and unreliable. He surely has knowledge, which Santiago can use. Although Santiago faces many obstacles, during his adventure and travel, he always has a clear vision about his aim and the path that he needs taking for realizing the same. Ultimately he realizes his dreams, which turn out to be far better than his expectations.( The Alchemist Summary & Study Guide
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Family law Reform of Divorce Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Family law Reform of Divorce Law - Essay Example However, it is felt that it is considered to premeditate on the Act even though its situation is still indecisive, as it has a lot of powers and decency in the perpetuation of the establishment of a family. 2Under the enactment, intercession is presented since it has numerous recompenses such as it works out disputes harmoniously, and it can trim down the build-up of indictments in the court. There has existed anticipation that the debate underscores the decency of the separation reform that transpired in England. Possibly, we may gain knowledge of England in presenting a novel section of Family Law Act to the non-Muslims and to establish arbitration as a substitute approach in the resolution of a family difference of opinion. Overview of the Present Law on Divorce The divorce law that came in with the family law came as, reinforcement to the previous divorce law that had presented earlier, in the divorce reform that occurs in 1969. The Matrimonial Causes Act of 1973 has also been up dated further making the divorce law easier and diverse for persons in need of divorce. The above act barred the intention of presenting procedural no-fault divorce through the utilization of irrevocable breakdown basis, although, it fabricated matter through the retention of a slip up as proof of the presented collapse. The substitute consensual and non-consensual divorces that had been presented in early years approximately twenty years have gotten a replacement from the new laws that have become instituted, in the in the novel act.3The early reform provisions in the old constitution have gotten a replacement together, with the rest of the matrimonial faults that appeared, in terms of infidelity, manners and abandonment by the independent announcement of the matrimonial failures or collapses. The modification retained the existing auxiliary assistance system that has records or has been for all this time been in effect as from 1973 that had been uncovered to 1984 amendment.4 In ac cordance to the novel act, from the enactment, the absolute bar gets retained concerning the initiation of any divorce proceedings within the first year of a couple’s marriage as the issue got settled in the 1973 provisions on a matrimonial act that got endorsed in 19845. This insinuates that the matter discourages impetuous suits. In the act, some of the undeniable transformations are the new act concerning auxiliary relief. In this section, the exceptional trials have to be settled prior to granting of any divorce directive.6 In accordance with the act of 1857, the effigy generated a fresh divorce court that bared authority in marriage trails that formerly enjoyed the ecclesiastical courts. During this epoch, the foundation for the creation of a divorce trial steadily broadened with the commendations of the royal authorities up to 1937, when the current divorce law was acknowledged for the succession of the previous or former act on the same.7 Around this epoch in the accou nt of England, sexes, males and females had similar access to the matrimonial liberties unlike in the past where men got firsthand chances to offer divorces to their spouses. The idea of divorce became clearer on women’s side as they bared an access to bring their petitions. The matter came in as a compliment although, for most conserves of traditional practices, it came as a big surprise. The issue raised many outcries from the male dominion even though it was for the good of the ensuring democracy within all populace with no regards to any prejudice.Â
Friday, August 23, 2019
The legal and ethical issues surrounding Solyndra Essay
The legal and ethical issues surrounding Solyndra - Essay Example Businesses and organisations must look at the legal issues surrounding their operations. Failing to do this will most likely land the firm in a situation where they have to deal with law suits which may lead to the firm closing its doors from the public (Shaw, 2007). Legal issues as well as ethical issues must especially be considered in a very careful way in cases where public funding is concerned. Failing to do this can lead to inquiries which may lead to criminal prosecution in court. Yet, there are so many firms today which ignore these issues. A good example is Solyndra which died only about five years after its founding. The Solyndra Scandal The Solyndra scandal raises a number of both legal and ethical issues. Scandal like this cost the tax payers hundreds of millions and sometimes billions of dollars. One of the ethical issues which arises from the Solyndra case is the fact that the involved officials were aware of the big financial risk but continued with the project anyway (Leonnig & Stephens, n.d.). According to emails retrieved from correspondence between the Solyndra officials and the White House officials who were aiding in the acquisition of the loan, it was clear that there was little chance of the project breaking even and succeeding and the officials knew it. According to investigation done by the FBI, there were a number of issues which indicated that the officers involved were engaging in unethical or illegal affairs. White House Aide is actually revealed to have warned officials not to have any official communication through their personal email accounts as this would make the personal email accounts to be subpoenaed in case of a legal enquiry (Leonnig & Stephens, n.d.). This was one indicator that the officials, even prior to the over $500 million loan, already knew that things were not working out for Solyndra and that sooner than later it would have to collapse. Why officials of such high ranks would engage in such casino-like transactio ns with public funds in case a case of official negligence and abuse of power and office. While there may not be a directly illegal issue with the aide telling the officers to watch the way they communicate because they could be subpoenaed, it does show that these people were operating way outside the ethical thresholds. The actions of the Department of Energy also show a number of ethical issues. For instance as Stephens, Leonnig and Leonnig (2011) say, the DOE failed to warn the state house about the failing of Solyndra. In fact as the firm continued to fade and sink into its own operating costs, the DOE failed to pull the plug and instead additional funds were given to a failing firm even when it was very clear that the firm was failing drastically. Legal issues To understand the legal issues surrounding the Solyndra case scandal, it is important to revisit how the scandal unfolded. First, Solyndra had managed to secure conditional loan from the government in line with the depart ment of energy regulations. The loan failed to work and this is where the firm sought to get another loan in order to make up for the fact that the first loan did not help the firms to be able to get on its feet. However, due to the risk issues surrounding the restructuring of the loan, the loan restructuring would have to get approval by the justice department. In other words, Solyndra would have to get clearance from the department of
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Breaking the Norm Essay Example for Free
Breaking the Norm Essay A norm is something that is usual, typical, or standard of something in society. Some examples of a norm are going to school, taking a bath, sleeping at night, wearing clothes in public, and eating breakfast lunch and dinner. All those things are stuff we do in our everyday lives and don’t think about it, we just do it because it is normal and it has been taught to us since we have been very little. If you end up breaking the norm though, people will look at you differently and you could really stand out from everyone around you. I am going to challenge this and break the norm to see what other people do and think around me. What I am going to do to break the norm is go to the grocery store with my mom and instead of walking everywhere, I am going to skip. I am going to start skipping right when I get out of the car into the parking lot until the time I get back in the car after shopping. I am even going to skip when I am standing in the checkout line. When I do this I think people are going to give me really weird looks and look annoyed that I am skipping everywhere. I also think my mom is going to feel embarrassed to walk with me. When I broke the norm by skipping everywhere in the grocery store I got the weirdest looks from people, but some people smiled and laughed. I did not tell my mom that I was going to do this and I did not tell her that this was a project. At first my mom laughed, but then she got really annoyed and yelled at me and told me to stop but I didn’t listen to her and kept going. At one point she tried walking in front of me because she didn’t want to be seen with me. All the other people just stared at me with weird faces on and when I would look back I could see them laughing and talking about me. At first when I got out of the car I felt kind of embarrassed to do this because it is not the normal thing to do. As I proceeded to do it though it got easier and I knew I was going to be right about all the people looking at me with weird looks and my mom being annoyed of me and embarrassed to be with me. The lady in the checkout line looked very confused and uncomfortable when I was just skipping in place; she looked like she didn’t know what to do. I just kept skipping though and minding my own business and acting like nothing was wrong. People in today’s society do normal things every single day. When we see someone breaking the norm, like I did, you think twice about that person and wonder what they are thinking. If Americans see someone from another country wearing a turban, or seeing the Chinese foot binding, or seeing different tribes from Africa putting copper rings around the girls necks to make them longer we tend to judge them and wonder what they were thinking. Other Countries could think we are different and not normal too when they see us with mohawks or tattoos or piercings. Those things are normal to us but not normal to other people. When you break the norm you get a really good feel on how everyone does the normal things every day and doesn’t think twice about it until you see someone else breaking the norm.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Major Trends Which Affect Microprocessor Information Technology Essay
Major Trends Which Affect Microprocessor Information Technology Essay In the first section I selected the question about Memory Management Unit of Linux operation system. In this section I described the strategies and mechanism used by Memory Management, problems faced by these techniques and solutions to overcome it. In the section number two I chose the question about microprocessor. This question discussed how microprocessors work, major trends affecting to their performance, differences between microprocessors design goals for laptops, servers, desktops and embedded systems. 2 Section1: Linux Operating System Introduction Linux, one of the free open source operating system does sufficient memory management activities to keep the system stable and users demand for errors free. As processes and threads executes, they read instructions from memory and decode it. In such act, instructions would be fetched or store contents of a location in a memory. Then, the processor would execute the instructions which in either way the memory would be accessed in fetching instructions or storing the data. Linux uses a copy-on-write scheme. If two or more programs are using the same block of memory, only one copy is actually in RAM, and all the programs read the same block. If one program writes to that block, then a copy is made for just that program. All other programs still share the same memory. Linux handles memory in such a way that when RAM is not in use, the operating system uses it as disk cache. Below diagram illustrate a brief overview of Linux operating system. C:UsersuserDesktopimages.jpg 3 Memory Management The term memory management refers to the one of the most important parts of the operating system. It consider in provision of memory-related services to applications. These services include virtual memory (use of a hard disk or other non-RAM storage media to provide additional program memory), protected memory (exclusive access to a region of memory by a process), and shared memory (cooperative access to a region of memory by multiple processes). Linux memory management does use the platform of Memory Management Unit which translate physical memory addresses to liner ones used by the system and page fault interrupt are requested when the processor tries to access to memory that is not entitled to. Virtual Memory Virtual memory of Linux is using a disk as an extension of RAM therefore that the effective size of convenient memory grows respectively. The kernel will write the substance of a currently dormant block of memory to the hard disk so that the memory can be used for another function. When the original contents are necessary again, they are read back into memory. This is all made completely transparent to the user; programs running under Linux only see the larger amount of memory available and dont notice that parts of them reside on the disk from time to time. Obviously, reading and writing the hard disk is slower (on the order of a thousand times slower) than using real memory, so the programs dont run as fast. The part of the hard disk that is used as virtual memory is called the swap space. Virtual memory system consist of all virtual addresses not physical addresses. These virtual addresses are transformed into physical addresses by the processor based on information held in a set of tables maintained by the operating system. To make this conversion easier, virtual and physical memory are shared into handy sized pieces called pages. These pages are all the same size, if they were different size, the system would be very hard to administer 4 The schemes for Memory Management The simplicity of Linux memory model facilitates program implementation and portability in different systems. There exist two schemes for implementation of memory management in Linux; 1.Paging 2.Swapping Paging Demand Paging Currently, saving is done using physical memory by virtual pages when compiling a program. In latter case when a program runs to query a database, not all database will respond, but only those with data records to be checked. For instance a database request for search query will only be loaded and not database with programs that works to add new records. This is also referred to as demand paging. The purpose of using demand paging is to load performing images into a process of virtual memory. Every time when a command is accomplished, the file containing it is opened and its contents are displayed into the processs virtual memory. Memory mapping is executed by modifying the data structure which is describing this process. Even so the rest of the image is left on disk ,only the first part of the image is actually sent into physical memory. Linux uses memory map to identify parts of image to load into memory by generating page faults as the image executes. 5 C:UsersfoxDesktopmmu-vs-iommu-memory.png Page Faults Page fault exception are generated when a process tries to access an unknown page to memory management unit. The handler goes further in examining the currently running process`s memory information and MMU state, then determines whether the fault is good or bad. As good page faults cause the handler to give more memory to the process, the bad faults invoke the handler to terminate the process. From good page faults are expected behaviour to whenever a program allocates a dynamic memory to run a section of code, write a for the first time a section of data or increases its stack size. In such a case when a process tries to access this newly memory, page fault is declared by MMU and the system adds a fresh page of memory to the process`s table. The interrupted process is the resumed. In cases where a process attempt to access a memory that its doesnt own or follows a NULL pointer then bad faults occur. Additionally, it could also be due to bugs in the kernel in which case the handler w ill print an oops information before terminates/killing the process. 6 Swapping Linux separates its physical RAM (random access memory) into pieces of memory called pages. The process of Swapping is accomplished by copying a page of memory to the preconfigured space on the hard disk, known as a swap space, to exempt that page of memory. The combined sizes of the physical memory and the swap space is the amount of virtual memory available. Swapping is done mainly for two reasons; One is insufficient memory required by the system when physical memory is not available. The kernel does swaps out the less used pages and supply the resources to currently running processes. Second, a significant number of the pages used by an application during its start-up phase may only be used for initialization and then never used again. The system can swap out those pages and free the memory for other applications or even for the disk cache. Nevertheless, swapping does have a disadvantage. If Compare with memory, disks are very slow. For example, memory speeds are measured in nanoseconds, but disks are measured in milliseconds, so admittance to the physical memory can be significantly faster than accessing disk. It depends how often swapping occurs, if it happens frequently your system will be slower. Sometimes excessive swapping or thrashing occurs where a page is swapped out and then very soon swapped in and then swapped out again and so on. In such situations the system is struggling to find free memory and keep applications running at the same time. In this case only adding more RAM will help. There are two forms of swap space: the swap partition and the swap file. The swap partition is a substantive section of the hard disk which is used only for swapping; other files cannot locate there. A special file in the file system which stands amongst your system and data files called a swap file. 7 Problems of virtual memory management in Linux There are several possible problems with the page replacement algorithm in Linux , which can be listed as follows: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The system may react badly to variable VM load or to load spikes after a period of no VM activity. Since the Kswapd, the page out daemon, only scans when the system is low on memory, the system can end up in a state where some pages have reference bits from the last 5 seconds, while other pages have reference bits from 20 minutes ago. This means that on a load spike the system have no clue which are the right pages to evict from memory, this can lead to a swapping storm, where the wrong pages are evicted and almost immediately after towards faulted back in, leading to the page out of another random page, etc. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ There is no method to prevent the possible memory deadlock. With the arrival of journaling and delay allocation file systems it is possible that the systems will need to allocate memory in order to free memory, that is, to write out data so memory can become free. It may be useful to introduce some algorithm to prevent the possible deadlock under extremely low memory situation. Conclusion All in all, Linux memory management seems to be effective than before and this is based on the assumption that Linux has less applications that it runs as to compared to windows machines which has more users and more applications. Beside, the system may react badly to variable VM load However, regular updates from Linux has managed to lessen the bugs. Swapping does require more disk memory in case the physical memory is insufficient to serve more demanding applications and if the disk space is too low the user runs the risk of waiting or kill other process for other programs to work. Additionally, resuming the swapped pages may result into corrupted data, but Linux has been in upper hand to solve such bugs. 8 Frequently Ask Questions What is the main goal of the Memory Management? The Memory Management Unit should be able to decide which process should locate in the main memory; should control the parts of the virtual space of a process which is non-core resident; responsible for monitoring the available main memory and for the writing processes into the swap device in order to provide more processor fit in the main memory at the same time. What is called a page fault? Page fault appear when the process addresses a page in the working set of the process but the process is not able to locate the page in the working set. To overcome this problem kernel should updates the working set by reading the page from the secondary device. What is the Minimum Memory Requirement? Linux needs at least 4MB, and then you will need to use special installation procedures until the disk swap space is installed. Linux will run comfortably in 4MB of RAM, although running GUI apps is impractically slow because they need to swap out to disk. 9 Section 2: Microprocessor Introduction Microprocessor incorporates all or most of the functions of Central Processor Unit (CPU) on a single integrated circuit, so in the world of personal computers, the terms microprocessor and CPU are used interchangeably. The microprocessor is the brain of any computer, whether it is a desktop machine, a server or a laptop. It processes instructions and communicates with outside devices, controlling most of the operation of the computer. How Microprocessors Work Microprocessor Logic A microprocessor performs a collection of machine instructions that tell the processor what to do. A microprocessor does 3 main things based on the instructions: Using its ALU (Arithmetic/Logic Unit), a microprocessor is able to perform mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. A microprocessor is able to move data from one memory location to another. A microprocessor is able to make decisions and jump to a new set of instructions based on those decisions. 10 The following diagram shows how to extremely simple microprocessor capable of doing of 3 jobs. The microprocessor contains: An address bus that sends an address to memory A data bus that can sends data to memory or receive data from memory A RD (read) and WR (write) line to tell the memory whether to set or get the address A clock line lets a clock pulse sequence the processor A reset line that resets the program counter to zero and restarts execution 11 Here the explanation of components and how they perform: Registers A, B and C are kind of latches that made out of flip-flops The address latch is just like registers A, B and C. The program counter is a latch with the extra capacity to increment by 1 when or reset to zero it is needed. Major trends which affect microprocessor performance and design Increasing number of Cores: A dual-core processor is a CPU with two processors or execution cores in the same integrated circuit. Each processor has its own cache and controller, which enables it to function as efficiently as a single processor. However, because the two processors are linked together, they can perform operations up to twice as fast as a single processor can. The Intel Core Duo, the AMD X2, and the dual-core PowerPC G5 are all examples of CPUs that use dual-core technologies. These CPUs each combine two processor cores on a single silicon chip. This is different than a dual processor configuration, in which two physically separate CPUs work together. However, some high-end machines, such as the PowerPC G5 Quad, use two separate dual-core processors together, providing up to four times the performance of a single processor. 12 Reducing size of processor Size of the processor the one of the major trend what is affecting to the processor in last years time. When the processor becoming small there will be many advantages like it can include many cores to a processor, it will protect energy, it will increase its speed also. 45nm Processor Technology Intel has introduced 45nm Technology in Intel Core 2 and Intel Core i7 Processor Family. Intel 45nm High-K Silicon Processors contain Larger L2 Cache than 65nm Processors. 32nm ProcessorTechnology At research level Intel have introduced 32nm processor (Code Name Nehalem- based Westmere) which will be released in 2nd quarter of 2009 Energy saving Energy is one of the most important resources in the world. Therefore we must save and protect it for future purpose. The power consumption in microprocessor would be one of the major trends. For instance, Intel Core 2 family of processors are very efficient processor, they have very intelligent power management features, such à  °s, ability to deactivate unused cores; it still draws up to 24 watts in idle mode. 13 High speed cache and buses In Past year Microprocessor Manufactures like Intel has introduced new cache technologies to their processors which can gain more efficiency improvements and reduce latency. Intel Advanced Smart Cache technology is a multicore cache that reduce latency to frequency used data in modern processor the cache size is increased up to 12MB installing a heat sink and microprocessor 14 Differences between Microprocessors Servers Originally the microprocessor for server should give uninterrupted time and stability with low power consumption and less resources allocating processor for System Cache. Thats why most of the time they use Unix and Linux as the Server based operating systems, because they take less amount of hardware resources and use effectively so the heat which dispatches from the processor is less and the heating would be less. Desktop Processors The desktop microprocessors are a bit different from server microprocessors, because they are not very much concerned of power consumption or use less resources of Operation system. The goal of Desktop microprocessors is to deliver as much performance as possible while keeping the cost of the processor low and power consumption within reasonable limits. Another important fact is out there, it is most of the programs which are being used in desktop machines are designed to do long time processor scheduling jobs like rendering a high definition image, or compiling a source file. So the processors are also designed to adopt those kinds of processing. Laptop Processor The CPU produces a lot of heats, in the desktop computers there are a systems of fans, heat sinks, channels and radiators that are uses to cool off the computer. Since laptop has small size, and far less room for any cooling methods, the CPU usually: Runs at a lower voltage and clock speed (reduces heat output and power consumption but slows the processor down) Has a sleep or slow-down mode (when the computer is not in use or when the processor does not need to run as quickly the operation system reduces the CPU speed) 15 Embedded Microprocessors Most of the embedded devices using Microcontrollers instead of separate Microprocessors; they are an implementation of whole computer inside a small thumb size chip called Microcontroller. These microcontrollers are varying its performance due to battery consumption and Instruction length issues. Most of them are designed using RISC architecture to minimize the complexity and the number of instructions per processor. Embedded device processors have high speed potential but the problem they are having is high power consumption and heating. Conclusion Current technology allows for one processor socket to provide access to one logical core. But this approach is expected to change, enabling one processor socket to provide access to two, four, or more processor cores. Future processors will be designed to allow multiple processor cores to be contained inside a single processor module. 16 Frequently Ask Questions: 1. How does the operating system share the cpu in a multitasking system? There are two basic ways of establishing a multitasking environment; times lice and priority based. In a a times lice multitasking environment each application is given a set amount of time (250 milliseconds, 100 milliseconds, etc) to run then the scheduler turns over execution to some other process. In such an environment each READY application takes turns, allowing them to effectively share the CPU. In a priority based environment each application is assigned a priority and the process with the highest priority will be allowed to execute as long as it is ready, meaning that it will run until it needs to wait for some kind of resource such as operator input, disk access or communication. Once a higher priority process is no longer ready, the next higher process will begin execution until it is no longer ready or until the higher priority process takes the processor back. Most real-time operating systems in use today tend to be some kind of combination of the two. 2.What is a multi-core? Two or more independent core combined into a single package composed of a single integrated circuit is known as a multi-core processor. 3. What is the difference between a processor and a microprocessor? generally, processor would be the part of a computer that interprets (and executes) instructions A microprocessor, is a CPU that is in just one IC (chip). For example, the CPU in a PC is in a chip so it can also be referred to as microprocessor. It has come to be called a microprocessor, because in the older days processors would normally be implemented in many ICs, so it was considered quite a feat to include the whole CPU in one chip that they called it a Microprocessor 17
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Ownership of Land Memo Example
Ownership of Land Memo Example MEMO From: Jessica Smith To: Mary Rhodes Re: The Daniels Family Planning Permission The case of Price Ors v Leeds City Council [2005] EWCA Civ 289 is distinguishable from the situation of our clients on the basis that in that case it was not disputed that the local authority had title to the occupied land whereas here the Daniels are the owners of the land having purchased it from Norman Guild. However, Price remains significant in that it raises the issue of the operation of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights which enshrines the right to the respect for everyone’s â€Å"private and family life, his home and correspondence†and provides that: â€Å"(2) There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right, except such as in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country†¦..or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.†While the issue here is not the same as in Price where Article 8 was being raised as a potential defence to a claim for possession which was undeniable on other grounds since the gypsies had not been granted a licence or any other right to occupy, it may be argued that the requirement that the Daniels vacate or be served with an Enforcement Notice restraining their use of the land for residential purposes is a similar infringement of Article 8. Mid-Bedfordshire DC v Thomas Brown Ors [2004] EWCA Civ 1709 turned upon the question of the appropriateness of suspending an injunction requiring land to be vacated for so long as would allow practical compliance but not until determination of a planning application. However, it is of assistance in that it applies the principles established by the House of Lords in South Bucks DC v Porter [2003] 2 AC 558 followed and applied by two decisions of the Court of Appeal in Davis Ors v Tonbridge Malling DC [2004] EWCA Civ 194 and Coates Ors v South Bucks DC [2004] EWCA Civ 1378 and details the competing interests and discretionary principles which a court in deciding whether to grant such an injunction should weigh: the practical problems of enforcement facing the court if an injunction is breached, the council’s position on the planning merits, the possibility that the council might come to a different planning judgment, the planning history of the site, the degree of flagrancy of the breach of planning controls, the availability of suitable alternative sites, the right granted by Article 8 and, of particular significance in this case, humanitarian considerations of health, safety and education in particular, those adversely affecting any children involved. In the light of these criteria, our clients are assisted here by the special needs of Charlene and the health of Michael and Jane particularly in view of the fact that the restricted availability of suitable alternative accommodation will lead to a fragmentation of the family unit with adverse implications for the care of the elderly couple. On these principles it is possible to recommend that our clients obtain an injunction suspending any attempt to remove them pending determination of a planning application by them. The principles to be applied in determining such a planning application are set forth in South Cambridgeshire DC v First Secretary of State McCarthy Ors (2004). In the first instance the planning inspector will be required by s.54A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to weight the relevant material considerations against the relevant local development plan and policies. In R (on the application of Evans) v First Secretary of State Anor [2005] EWHC 149. Here Newman J held that as a matter of principle where an application for planning permission was made in respect of greenbelt land (where residential development would ordinarily be presumed against) gypsy status alone could not be determinative of any case. Therefore, our client’s case will have to be considered on its individual merits with the presumption against greenbelt development being weighed against the rights bestowed by Article 8 and a consideration of the availability of alternative accommodation. Given the strength of our clients’ Article 8 rights, the issue of alternative accommodation is likely to be critical. In Robert Simmons v (1) First Secretary of State (2) Sevenoaks DC [2005] EWHC 287 it was common ground that the development of a gypsy site in a greenbelt area was inappropriate. It was held that for such development to be allowed â€Å"very special circumstances†were required to justify it. In that case, the planning inspector allowed a defence to the Enforcement Notice on the basis of a lack of alternative sites. This was challenged by the Secretary of State who was criticised by Newman J for basing his decision upon a lack of evidence of searches for alternatives by the applicant. Thus in the case of our clients there will have to be â€Å"clear evidence†from empirical sources available to the local authority of a lack of alternatives. We should be encouraged by the concession that there is currently only one space available on local authori ty sites in the area but it must be acknowledged that this fact alone will not be conclusive of a complete lack of reasonable alternatives. Our clients’ case is weakened by the fact that residential care or bed and breakfast accommodation is available for Michael and Jane. In Leanne Codona v Mid-Bedfordshire DC [2004] EWCA Civ 925, it was held that a local authority might escape violation of Article 8 by offering bed and breakfast accommodation provided that this was of reasonable quality and duration. If, in addition, the site available to Henry and Sandra allows Charlene to continue to attend William de Ferrers school, the local authority may succeed in refusing planning consent to our clients without violating their Article 8 rights or the other principles governing the grant of permission to gypsies for development on greenbelt land. School Exclusion Assuming that the school from which Dean has been excluded was a maintained school, the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 will apply. Section 64 of the Act allows the head teacher to exclude a pupil for one or more fixed periods up to a maximum of 45 days in any one school year. There is therefore nothing objectionable in principle to an exclusion of 5 days. Since the exclusion does not exceed 5 days, the headmaster is not under the duty imposed by s.65(4) to inform the LEA and the governing body of the exclusion and afford the governor’s the opportunity to consider the exclusion under the procedure laid down in s.66 and Schedule 18 of the Act unless by being so excluded Dean has lost the opportunity to take a public exam. However, such exclusion is subject to s.68 of the Act which requires a head teacher to â€Å"have regard to any guidance given from time to time by the Secretary of Stateâ€Å". This guidance is currently contained in DfES Circular 10/99. Dean’s Head Teacher would appear to be in breach of this guidance. His decision to send Dean home â€Å"on the spot†and failure to inform his parents contravenes paragraph 1 of Annex D of the Circular: â€Å"A head teacher who excludes a pupil should make sure the parent is notified immediately, ideally by telephone, and that the telephone call is followed by a letter within one school day. An exclusion should normally begin on the next school day [emphasis supplied].†Paragraph 6.2 of the Circular states that â€Å"exclusion should not be decided in the heat of the moment unless there is an immediate risk to the safety of others in the school or the pupil concerned†. While Dean’s use of violence is sufficiently serious to warrant exclusion, the head teacher has failed to abide by para.6.3 which requires him to consider â€Å"all the relevant facts and firm evidence†. In particular, he is obliged to â€Å"check whether an incident appeared to be provoked by racial or sexual harassment†. Dean’s parents should have been informed of their right to state their case to the Governing Body’s Discipline Committee. Paragraph 7 of Annex D is ambiguous in Dean’s case. It states that â€Å"if the exclusion is fewer than 5 days†the Discipline Committee cannot direct reinstatement but should consider any statement from the parent; reinstatement is available for exclusions of â€Å"more than 5 days in a term†. Nonetheless, our clients should state their case to the Discipline Committee. Even where reinstatement is not available (which given the duration of the exclusion and the fact that Dean will be back at school before the Committee can be expected to meet) they will be enabled to give their views and the Committee (para.11) can consider whether to add information to Dean’s record (para.16). Thus, even though the â€Å"damage has been done†by the exclusion, the full circumstances of the incident can be explored and Dean’ s record corrected accordingly.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Making the World a Better Place with My Communications Degree Essay
Various people throughout my educational pursuit have asked me, â€Å"What can you do with a degree in Communications?†My answer is, I can do many things but mostly I want to deliver messages in order to help others. I am a networker by nature and I want to use that skill in order to help initiate positive change. In order to capitalize on my innate persuasive talents, I feel I must strive to speak to people and not at people. Anyone can talk but a true communicator can extract information and talent from others and shed a positive light on an issue or a cause. I want to be that communicator. The historical progress of communication has gone from face-to-face grunts, groans and body language, to cave paintings, to print media and now to social media whereby you can reach virtually anyone in the world. What has not changed are key points, first you must get the other party to hear your message, secondly the message must be received and interpreted and there must be a form of feedback and participation for the message to be successful. I remember my first State College Communication epiphany was realizing that to be a good communicator, you must be a good listener. Communication, particularly in the social media age is a continuous loop of realization that the sender of a message is simultaneously a receiver of message. Without this sender/receiver loop, a person is not communicating with another. When I think of communication, I look to Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs for answers. Abraham Maslow developed a model presenting human needs; starting with the most basic an d advancing to those that motivate and foster personal development. The stages are biological and physical, Safety, Belonging and love, Esteem, and lastly Self-actualizat... ...tions and 9) Interaction posture-otherwise known as the ability to respond to others in a descriptive, nonevaluative and nonjudgmental manner (Lustig & Koester, 2010). Armed with the tools I obtained at State College, I am ready to go out into this complex and exciting world to be a vessel for social change and economic development. I will assist start-up companies as well as small companies that are struggling to enter social media promotion. As a former non-profit director and volunteer, I will extend my volunteer work to include cultural competencies and strategies to promote health, prosperity and cultural tolerance. Works Cited Miller, K. (2012). Organizational communication; approaches and processes. (Sixth Ed.). Boston Lustig, M. & Koester, J. (2010). Intercultural competence: Interpersonal communication across cultures. (Sixth Ed.) Boston
Italian Mafia Essay -- History
Italian Mafia The Mafia was first developed in Sicily in feudal times to protect the estates of landlords who were out of town. The word Mafia, derived from the Sicilian word, Mafioso, means family. Today, Mafia is a name which describes a loose association of criminal groups. These groups can be bound together by blood, oath or sworn secrecy. Many people had considered the Sicilian Mafia as the most ruthless mobsters of the twentieth century. By the nineteenth century, the Mafia had become known as a network of criminal thugs that dominated the Sicilian countryside. Members of the Mafia were bound by Omerta. Omerta, an Italian word, stands for a strict code of conduct. The code include avoiding all contact or cooperation with authorities. In the beginning the Mafia had no centralized organization. It consisted of many small groups. Each of these groups was considered as a district. And, each of these districts, had its own form of government. The Mafia had gained their strong-arm by using scare tactics amongst the people. By using these terroristic methods against peasants who could vote, the Mafia used this upper hand in placing themselves into political offices. They would achieve this in several communities. Using this political power in their advantage, the Mafia was able to gain influence with police authorities and the ability to obtain legal access to weapons. Benito Mussolini was the premier-dictator of Italy from 1922 to 1943. He was the founder and leader of Italian Fascism. Mussolini, along with his Facets government, was able to successfully suppress the Mafia during the time of World War II. However, after the war ended in 1945, the Mafia emerged and ruled once again. Over the next thirty years, the Sicilian Mafia was not only able to gain control Sicily, but all of Italy as well. In the second half of the nineteenth century, America had the largest number of immigrants moving to the United States ever known. There is a recorded three million Irish, four million Italians, and four million Jews that immigrated to the United States during the later half of the nineteenth century. People immigrated for a number of reasons. Many of them dreamed of leaving behind their old worlds. Worlds of oppression, fear, and crime. Unfortunately, this dream was shattered for many of the immigrants. For those who migrated to Chicago, severa... ... the rest of his life in his mansion in Miami Beach, Florida. A great contribution to the Chicago Mafia died alone in 1947. In the early 1980's, the Italian government launched an anti-Mafia campaign throughout all of Italy. Not only did this lead to a number of arrests and trials, but it also was the reason for several assignations of key law-enforcement officials whom were in retaliation. For the past two decades, both America and Italy have been cracking down on the organized crime group known as the Mafia. Criminal activities concerning those involved in the Mafia have declined dramatically. The modern underworld crime of today consists of business men and women with a strong knowledge of computers. Old world ways such as killing, riots, and vendetta have been done away with. Today's "mobsters" are highly educated extortionists dressed in suites. The old ways of organized crime will never be the same again. The desire, need, brutality, wisdom, and style of what we know as the Italian Mafia only exists in books and movies. In my opinion, the time of the Prohibition was, and always will be the most recognizable time of the underworld because of the Italian Mafia.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Patient Report :: Medical Report
FINDINGS: Severe right-sided chest pain. The __ reported a friction rub. A PM lateral showed questionable mediastinal adenopathy. The patient had no cough or sputum production of ___. CT scan in ___ showed a possibility of a 1x2 cm right paratrachial lymphnode. Several smaller anteromediastinal lymphnodes which were all less than 1 cm were also evaluated. The patient was treated with Indocen with relief of her chest pain. ___ level was 64.5 with a ___ 50. PPD was negative, controls were positive. The CT of the abdomen showed normal liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, adrenals, uterus, a left ovarian cyst, a large gall stone neck of the gall bladder, no adenopathy and her mammogram was within normal limits. The patient reports band-like ache around her right chest with changes in pain with cough and deep breathing. There is no change in position. The patient reports increased shortness of breath with exertion over the past 5 months. No nausea, vomiting, fevers, chills, night sweats, abdominal pains, urinary complaints, kidney stones, diarrhea, ___ melena, headache, visual complaints or rash. PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: Unremarkable. PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: Remarkable for tubal ligation. SHE HAS NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES. MEDICINES ON ADMISSION: Indocin 25-50 mg p.o. q.8 hours and Anaprax 270 mg p.o. b.i.d. The patient drinks alcohol only rarely and smokes regularly. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Weight of 231 pounds, temperature 98.6, heartrate 60, respiratory rate 24, blood pressure 110/70. HEENT examination was unremarkable. The neck was supple without masses, adenopathy or bruits. The lungs showed small diffuse wheezes, but was otherwise without abnormality. Cardiovascular examination revealed a regular rate and rhythm, normal S1 and S2. Questionably slight change in the S1 with the __ maneuver and a questionable 1/6 systolic ejection murmur heard best at the lower sternal border. The abdomen was obese, showed bowel sounds in all quadrants, soft and nontender. It was difficult to tell if there was organomegaly. Extremities showed no clubbing, cyanosis or edema. Neurologically, the patient was normal. LABORATORY DATA: Show a white count of 8, hemoglobin 14.5, hematocrit 42.5, platelets 326,000, sodium 139, potassium 4.9, chloride 104, CO2 26, glucose 105, creatinine 0.8 and BUN of 17. Please see consolidated lab flow sheet for lab data regarding this patient. HOSPITAL COURSE: Patient was admitted in ____ evaluations as well as consultation from pulmonology service. Pulmonology service recommended the patient undergo bronchoscopy which was performed.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Capacity utilization Essay
?Detailed in the Indalex Ltd. case analysis, current production is stretched to the limit, creating a capacity constraint to meet future forecasted demand; hindering the firms objective of a real growth rate of ten percent annually. The issue of deciding on a capacity expansion plan, given uncertainty about near term economic projections was presented. Indalex concentrates on a competitive priority of service quality, where flexibility and quality are more of a priority than price. This is described in the case study where past and current success of Indalex is attributed to their competitive strategy being strictly based on three words: service, service, service. Indalex set out with the objective of offering a seven-day service, along with offering highly qualified assistance in designing selection for their customers. Valuing service quality, Indalex manages a close working relationship with their customers, such as responding to needs even under short notice, demonstrating how Indalex understands their factories are an integral part of their customers’ factories. I feel that maintaining reputation along with meeting the growing demand of their existing customers is crucial to the service quality strategy of Indalex. In making a decision for the capacity expansion plan, an emphasis on insuring customer satisfaction and retention is of top priority. Given the options of either increasing capacity of their extrusion process, increasing anodizing capacity, building a recycling plant to reprocess scrap aluminum, or increase capacity of both the extrusion and anodizing process; a decision had to be made on which of the options should be done first, in order for the new piece of equipment to be available by the beginning of 1979. In regards to flexibility and quality, the option to either increase capacity of the extrusion, increase capacity of anodizing, or increasing capacity of both operations together; offers machine flexibility. Having excess capacity would allow Indalex to better manage complex orders, ultimately providing an advantage towards their focused service strategy. With the option of building a recycling plant, it would enable more process flexibility and better inventory management. However, this option would generate higher inventory holding costs, creating excess inventory of over a million dollars. Along with requiring new employees with specialized skillsets, the options of adding a recycling plant won’t solve the problem of increasing demand of customer. Anodizing requires the plant to run at full capacity in order to be efficient, along with costly pollution control measures that would have to be taken. When looking into customer satisfaction and retention, customers will only be retained if Indalex increases capacity. When looking into capacity constraints, the extrusion process is the first area that I feel capacity constraints should be removed. With anodizing, the case details that much of the demand is a result from construction related work. If there were a decrease in this area, anodizing operations would be effected. Unlike the extrusion process that allows Indalex to â€Å"buy demand†by offering a low bid for high volume orders if needed, anodizing operations are much more limited in sourcing a demand. Therefore, I would chose the option of increasing capacity of the extrusion plant; which is the best option to align Indalex with their ten percent growth objective, along with offering feasibility of meeting an increase in demand, with flexibility and quality of their service. This expansion will require more employees to be hired, which will also reduce the amount of overtime that is currently required. The risk associated with increasing capacity of the extrusion plant is the idea of the U. K. ’s economy not growing as rapid as predicted, leaving the question of what Indalex would do with the new press if it couldn’t be filled naturally with demand.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Voucher programs: Tuition Subsidied for Public School Students
Vouchers are tuition subsidies for students in public schools to attend private schools and/or for students already in private schools. Proponents for publicly funded school vouchers see them as a way for poor parents to leave a failing public school system and allow their children to go to the school of their choice. Opponents fear that school vouchers would take money away from public schools, causing grater segregation while not helping the majority of students remaining in the public school system. The Catholic Church supports school vouchers and believes that every person should have equal opportunity to send there children to the best schools regardless of there financial situation. This paper will attempt to explain the complex arguments around the issue of publicly funded school vouchers, so that one could understand both sides of this issue. Voucher programs allow students to take a portion of funds reserved for public education to put toward private education. The major supporters of school vouchers are poor parents, and the Catholic Church. Before 1999, the Catholic Church had been one of the chief enemies of all federal grants for education. Then the Hierarchy gradually changed direction, and it decided to support federal aid in principle on condition that any specific measure should include auxiliary services for Catholic schools. The condition has never been met, and the failure of agreement has created the longest and most caustic church-state controversy in the history of Congress. According to the Church and Catechism it is the obligation of the state that â€Å"public subsidies are paid out in such a way that parents are truly free to choose according to their conscience the schools they want for their children. †Supporters of such a program believe that allowing students to choose the school they will attend will result in a better education and a more level playing field, where not only middle- and upper-class students dominate the private school system. Some proponents of vouchers see the public school system as promoting atheist views and denying the freedom to practice a religion other that atheism. School vouchers would allow parents to send their children to religious schools and allow them to assert the right to practice the religion of their choice. Cavailer Daily, a scholar and leader in the voucher movement states, â€Å"Freedom of Religion should allow students to attend a parochial school, rather than prevent them. †Vouchers allow choice for all people not only the ones wealthy enough to afford a religions education. The current system has allowed students â€Å"to be rigorously secularized†striking down â€Å"most forms of public assistance to parents who desire to protect their children from an educational system that is often actively promoting values that are profoundly at odds with religious convictions. The net result has been that a crucial aspect of religious freedom is exercised only by families wealthy enough to afford private education after paying taxes for public schools. †Mary Ann Glendon, a constitutional scholar and professor at Harvard University. Many proponents of vouchers do not want to eliminate the public school system; they want to use . School choice means better educational opportunity, because it uses the dynamics of consumer competition to drive service quality. As students leave the public school system and choose private school they will take there voucher money with them causing profit loses for that district. Many proponents of vouchers feel that this will cause the public schools to reform and offer a better educational program, so they can also become competitive in the schools market. Public schools currently account for 90% of the educational institutions, thus cornering the market. Proponents of vouchers believe that the short term benefits will allow students to get a better education, and in the long term public schools will be forced to radically change there programs in order to compete with a growing school market. The advantage of voucher programs is that parents can spend their money how they see fit. Public schools are funded with taxes-often property taxes, which partially accounts for better schools in richer districts. Each district gets a different amount of money per student so in the poor areas of the country the schools get less money per student resulting in lower quality teachers, and inability to buy adequate materials. People must pay these taxes regardless of the quality of local schools, or where they want to send their child. Even if you send your child to private school, you are still required to pay taxes to fund a public school system that you do not use. The voucher system, then, acts as a refund system for parents who wish to educate their children elsewhere. Leading the charge against publicly funded school vouchers is the American Teachers Union, American Federation of Teachers, National Education Association, as well as The National Council of Churches and many constitutionalists. Opponents of school vouchers believe that while vouchers might seem like a good idea on the surface, a deeper investigation reveals its fatal flaws and irreversible social implications. The biggest argument against vouchers is that they are unconstitutional. It has been decide that according to the establishment clause of the 1st amendment giving any funds to private school that promote religion is against the law. Vouchers also have the ability to hurt the majority of students in public schools by taking away their funding. According to expert on the subject of school vouchers, Henry Levin, â€Å"not only are vouchers unconstitutional but they completely undermine the public education system, thus threatening our system of democracy. †The issue is one of separation between church and state. Under the establishment clause of the 14th amendment, may public money be used for sectarian schools? During the 1940†³s, the high court decided that all direct appropriations for the central expenditures of such schools would be unconstitutional. No federal or local tax funds may be used for building costs, teachers†salaries, or other regular operational expenses. These perimeters were established in the Everson v. Board of Education ruling in 1947. In this case, a New Jersey town had allowed local tax funds to reimburse Catholic parents for busing their children to school. The Court, speaking through Justice Black, said: The â€Å"establishment of religion†clause of the First Amendment means at least this: Neither a state nor the Federal Government can set up a church. Neither can pass laws, which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion over another. Neither can force nor influence a person to go to or remain away from church against his will or force him to profess a belief of disbelief in any religion. No person can be punished for entertaining or professing religious beliefs or dis-beliefs, for church attendance or non-attendance. No tax in any amount, large or small, can be levied to support any religious activities or institutions, what ever they may be called, or whatever form they may adopt to teach or practice or teach religion. Neither a state nor the Federal Government can, openly or secretly, participate in the affairs of any religious organizations or groups and vice versa. In the words of Jefferson, the clause against the establishment of religion by law was intended to erect â€Å"a wall of separation between church and state. †For the past 50 years the Supreme Court has held up the â€Å"wall of separation†in such high profile cases as the Nyquist decision in 1973, which invalidated a New York State program that provided tuition reimbursements to poor parents whose children attended private schools. Although the court found that New York had attempted to ensure the secular effect by making the payments directly to the parents, it ruled that the program had a primary function of advancing religion, and there for was unconstitutional. This ruling affirmed Justice Black†s decision in making publicly funded school vouchers unconstitutional. Opponents of school vouchers believe that not only are they unconstitutional; they also hurt students and the Public School System. The United States Public School system was founded during the mid 1800†³s to promote economic and social well being. The United States prides it self on being one of the only countries to provide a free and equal education to all children from kintergarden too high school. There is an apparent connection between public schools and the common good in democracy because as our country becomes increasingly diverse, the public school system stands out as an institution that unifies Americans. Research from the United States and abroad show that vouchers lead to greater segregation of students by socioeconomic status and race. Countries such as Ireland and Canada are divided because their governments provide education for each different religion, and consequently a deep cultural division in the population has been accentuated. The public school systems serves the majority of people and most are satisfied and don†t want to change where they go to school. Opponents of school vouchers believe they do not help the majority of poor and underprivileged and benefit more advantaged families. In Milwaukee, for example, parents who accepted vouchers, on average, were better educated, more involved in their children†s education, and had higher expectations for their children than parents of public school children. Only 1% of public school students are currently participating in a school voucher plan, so the majority of children are left in the public school system to fend for themselves. Voucher advocates often claim that private school education is cost effective because these schools can operate for less money. However, looking at the record of accomplishment of the only two experimental voucher schools, Milwaukee voucher program started in 1990, and Cleveland voucher program started in 1996, shows a very different story. In Milwaukee, analyses indicate that voucher schools received about $1,000 more per student than comparable public schools for the1996-97 school year. In addition, private schools are not required to have mandated services such as, special education, ESL, transportation, breakfast and lunch programs, which is accounted for in the money that the public schools receive per pupil. The most reasonable conclusion,†notes researcher Henry Levin, â€Å"Is that voucher schools in Milwaukee are receiving at least comparable allocations per student to those of the Milwaukee Public Schools, once the service mix is accounted for. †Voucher schools do not cost less to operate and in many cases, they cost more, taking precious funds away from public schools that are trying to reform. Voucher money likely would end up in the hands of private-school parents, essentially subsidizing those who already have fled the public school system, instead of creating incentive for public-school reform. Cleveland last month joined Milwaukee as the only school systems with vouchers. However, 27 percent of the 1,864 low-income kids in the Cleveland program were already in private schools. Private schools often charge high tuition. Since vouchers usually will not cover the full cost of tuition, the wealthy, who can already afford to pay private school tuition, will benefit the most. Low and middle-income families, who will not be able to afford the difference between the voucher and tuition costs, will be less likely to benefit. Even if poor families could come up with the full tuition amount, few private schools are located in the nation†s inner cities or other economically depressed areas. Fewer still are likely to admit children from disadvantaged backgrounds. For this reason, 45% of students participating in the Milwaukee program attend Catholic schools because they cost less. In any event, no voucher plan will benefit more than a small number of poor children. A voucher system also will not work if kids who want to leave public schools have no place to go, as many will not. Voucher supporters claim new private schools will spring up to meet new demand. However, this may be wishful thinking. â€Å"Many private schools believe government money means government regulation and do not want to take it,†says Joe McTighe, executive director of the Council of American Private Education. Proponents of vouchers feel that they are being unfairly taxed or taxed twice but â€Å"Double taxation†does not exist. Private school tuition is not a tax; it is an additional expense some parents have chosen to pay. All members of society are expected to support certain basic public services such as the police and fire departments, libraries and the public schools, whether they use them or not. Childless couples and single people, for instance, must still pay school taxes. ) We all have a vested interest in maintaining a strong public school system to make certain that our people are educated. Under a voucher plan, all taxpayers will face double taxation. They will have to pay for public schools, then pay-increased taxes to make up for funds being channeled too parochial and other private schools. The heavily contested issue of whether public money should be used to subsidize private, religious schools has raged on for over 50 years and will continue to as long as people challenge the constitution. Proponents believe vouchers will give opportunities to the poor, freedom of religion to all, and help begin a trend of reform in public schools. However, opponents fear that school vouchers will blur the lines separating church and state, and cause undue harm to the public school system. If nothing else it works for its designed purpose of creating a neutral environment that fosters learning. This neutrality has made possible the spread of tolerance to other institutions in our society. Children who learn to live together without religious distinctions are prepared as adults to build a more cooperative world.
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