Saturday, February 29, 2020
After you my dear Alphonse by Shirley Jackson
After you my dear Alphonse by Shirley Jackson Essay In this short story Shirley Jackson portrays how harmful Racism can be, even though theres no violence or murder involved. But it also shows how a white boy and a black boy can have a relationship to each other with no prejudices; they consider each other equal persons. The game the boys are playing where they are saying after you my dear Alphonse to each other, is one of the ways Jackson tells us that they are equal. Mrs Wilson on the other hand, does not consider Boyd as an equal person to herself and her son. Mrs Wilson is trying to hide her Prejudices by being polite and generous to Boyd. She cant stop asking questions to (About) Boyds background and his family. She assumes that Boyds family are poor in spite of the fact that she doesnt have any acquaintance (knowledge)of Boyds background and his familys social status. Even when her own son Johnny tells her that Boyds father is the foreman of the factory; she ignores it and continues her questioning of Boyd. She stigmatizes Boyds family as poor because they are black; witch (which) was normal at this time. And she thinks she is right about her vision on Boyd, because a lot of black people were poor in the 40s where (when) the story takes place. When the boys are served stewed tomatoes, Johnny replies to his mother that Boyd does not eat tomatoes, But Mrs Wilson replies back with extreme condescension Boyd will eat anything to point out that Boyds family is poor. She thinks that Boyd is grateful for anything he can get to eat, but when B oyd doesnt want to eat the tomatoes, Mrs Wilson realises that Boyds family might be just as successful as her own family is. Her last try to prof that she is better than Boyd and his family. She offers Boyd second-hand clothing to (for) his family. Boyd explains politely to her that they have plenty of clothes themselves and that his family can buy him anything he needs. Mrs Wilson lifted the plate of gingerbread off the table as Boyd was about to take another piece she gets angry over the fact Boyd is not grateful for the clothes she is offering him. She is thinking that she is doing something good. But she suddenly realises that she cant help Boyd, and then she want (wants) nothing to do with him, and she is not as polite and generous as before Boyd told her about his background. Johnny doesnt share his mothers views. He is completely unbiased. He acts naturally about Boyds presence, like he would probably do to his other friends; he has no prejudices about black people. Johnny is a good example of childrens innocence. He doesnt understand his mothers comments and the racism that is hidden behind them. He is wondering about his mothers strange statements. But he cant connect it to Boyd being black. It is a perfect example of how children have no prejudices. The title of the text is used to support this. Its a symbol of Boyd and Johnnys great friendship. It shows us how unaffected the boys are by Mrs Wilsons racist behaviour. The phrase After you my dear Alphonse is normally used in a situation where two people are so polite to each other that they cant agree who shall do it. It originally comes from a french (French) comic strip where Alphonse and Gaston cant (cant) agree who should go trough a door first, so they are stuck in the moment. The boys say the phrase when they enter the home, but they repeat it when they are leaving the house again. This tells us that the boys are not affected by Mrs Wilsons Biased opinions. The short story is written in 1949. I think Jacksons message with writing this story is to show that America does not live up to some of the fundamental principles that build the nation. READ: Blood brothers wasn't it EssayStatements like all men are considered equal and every man has the right to pursue Happiness is questioned by Jackson in this Short story. Mrs Wilson represents the average American citizen at this time despite the Declaration of Independence. Mrs Wilson attitude to Boyd also shows that it was very unlikely for a black family to be wealthy at this time. Mrs Wilsons prejudices towards black people are the main theme of this short story. Mrs Wilson will not believe that Boyds family Is wealthy, because she stigmatizes Black people as poor people.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
The history of jazz in America before the 1900s Research Paper
The history of jazz in America before the 1900s - Research Paper Example Consequently, jazz is in many ways a symbol for the American idea of democracy3. The cortex of jazz comprises of numerous layers, varying from hard and soft, in that it is complex in structure and hard to take apart. However, the history appears displaced and the styles contradictory because one experiences a puzzling series of shifts in place, person and style. Those who mostly dominated in the music include important but actually unrelated figures in New York, Negroes in New Orleans and white musicians in Chicago. Although there is a disastrous split in jazz launched by the swing era and increased during the days of bebop with the alleged progressive jazz, upon looking and listening closely there is appearance of both order and continuity4. Therefore, jazz is a new genre of music with distinct rhythmic and melodic character, one that regularly involves improvisation of a minor type in changing tune’s phrases and accents but of a major sort in creating music ex- temporaneousl y, instantly. Consequently, there is alteration of melody or underlying chords in the course of creating jazz. In addition, according to a standard scheme the rhythmic valuations of notes may be syncopated or not, lengthened or shortened, or there may be no steady pattern of rhythmic variations provided a steady beat remains understood or clear. The beat which serves as a solid rhythmic base for the improvisation of soloists or groups playing eight or twelve measures, or some multiple or dividend thereof is mainly four quarter-notes to the bar5. The History of Jazz in America Before 1900 In British North America, almost 240,000 about 20 percent of the... The American people value and respect the development of jazz as a form of music. This is because they consider it as a form of expressing their national and cultural identity. This form of music has its roots in the early slaves from America. The main reason of referring to jazz as improvisional music is that it draws its musical and rhythmic styles strongly upon the ragtime, blues, gospel and other African-American styles. Jazz originated from New Orleans amongst the black population as the bequest of slave trade that mainly found the city the first port of call . The development of jazz in America was rather a slow process but ultimately growing in to the current famous jazz music. It has its roots from the African slaves taken from their homes to America. These slaves had a rich diversity in African Folk songs that they highly appreciated. Unfortunately, when they arrived in America, they were under very strict laws and regulations. Their masters did not allow them to practice an y other culture other than that of slaves. They did not allow these Africans to explore their music diversity. As they suffered in the hands of their masters, these slaves turned to music as a form of relief. This music developed for a long time and eventually became the popular jazz music. During the eighteenth and nineteenth century, the American people considered jazz as an important form of music. This is because it became a way of expression and national identity
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Practical research assignment report outline Literature review
Practical research assignment report outline - Literature review Example Today there are more than 10 million possums in Northland alone (Northland Regional Council, 2014). The population has increased mostly owing to the non-existence of any natural predators of this pest. Studies have been done to understand the impact of possum infestation and fecal analysis of the pests has shown evidence of bird predation especially native forest birds. Possums are a major threat to local birds such as the kokako and kukupa (Landcare Research, 2014). Possums are also a major threat to the vegetation of New Zealand. It is estimated that possums feed on almost 21,000 tons of vegetation every single day (Landcare Research, 2014). Stoats are members of the Mustelid family which also includes weasels and ferrets. By 1880, New Zealand, had already suffered problems from harmful pests such as rabbits and hares. Stoats were imported from Britain and introduced in New Zealand as biological control for rabbits. Today, stoats are widespread in most parts of New Zealand and have themselves become mammalian pests. They are extremely adaptable to any living conditions where they may find food (Dept. Of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai, 2014). Stoats are a major concern since they are a natural predator of several native birds of New Zealand such as the bush canary (yellow head) and kaka. They not only destroy the nests of the birds but also feed on their eggs and nestlings. This has led to sharp decline in the population of these forest birds. In New Zealand three kinds of rats- the common rat, Pacific rat and kiore rat have been introduced. Kiore rats were introduced by the Maori as source of food. However today, rats pose a major threat to the biodiversity of New Zealand since they feed on birds, bird eggs and other small invertebrates such as lizards. Use of chemicals to manage pests has been proved to be efficient. In 2011, an efficient and humane toxicant Para-aminopropiophenone was introduced. This
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